Educate. Engage. Inspire.
We’re a nonprofit organisation that provides multilingual libraries and educational experiences to children subject to displacement and/or social exclusion.
We believe in a world where every child has the power to
shape their own story.
We harness the power of reading and education to improve the well-being and life prospects of children subject to displacement and/or social exclusion. First, we set up multilingual libraries: safe, inspiring and warm spaces that are easy to access. Then, we make these spaces come alive through engaging workshops, artistic events and readings.
Our libraries are in Berlin (Germany), Paris (France), Casablanca (Morocco), Marrakech (Morocco) and Jinja (Uganda).
Why libraries?
Libraries play a fundamental role in our society.
Not only do they provide access to information and skills, but they help provide opportunities for people to improve their own lives, reduce poverty and improve the prosperity of people everywhere (IFLA). Libraries empower children with lifelong skills that enable them to be active participants in society. They provide safe, welcoming spaces that encourage children to grow into confident and empowered adults.
That’s why at Lilipad, we see that libraries for children are essential to equal opportunities. Libraries are vital for building literacy skills at an early age, and they support the process of learning to read. Considering that there are undeniable links between literacy and social and economic outcomes, the power of libraries cannot be underestimated (IFLA).
Our Core Program
1. Connect with local institutions
We establish meaningful partnerships with local institutions such as refugee shelters, orphanages, community centres or schools. We work closely with their teams to get an in-depth insight into the needs of their community.
2. Install a Lilipad Library
Our partner institutions provide a space that we turn into a children’s library. Our libraries are stocked with multilingual storybooks and educational materials. If needed, Lilipad also provides textbooks either in the libraries or directly to the children.
3. Provide long-term support
Once our libraries are opened, we organise workshops, events and external support to ensure they remain lively and engaging spaces. We collect feedback from the children along the way to ensure that we regularly restock the library with the books they enjoy the most.
Our Numbers
These numbers reflect our activities from our launch in March 2017 until end of 2023.
17 libraries
4 countries
2,300+ children
8 languages
80+ workshops*
Our Partners
Lilipad’s feature on German national TV channel RBB, June 2024.