Events Recap, 2017

Lilipad’s primary goal is, and will always be, to provide educational resources to children in need. To do this, we like to think of creative, fun ways to raise money and spread awareness of what we’re doing. That’s why we love our events!

In 2017 we held a series of events in Berlin aimed at adults (as well as some events in England with children). Among other things, we held a Drag Queen Children’s Book Reading, a Summer Fest, a Gallery Exhibition, a Yoga Class (live music), a Concert, an Outdoor Workout and plenty of legendary Pub Quizzes!

Each event was unique in its own way and each event, we feel, strived not just to provide a platform for Lilipad to raise money, but also to bring people together for a good cause. The way we see it, people are social beings, and if we can organise something that people enjoy doing anyway, the fun is only multiplied by knowing that everything you spend is going to a good cause.


Reading Does You Good!

There’s also something special about holding events that capture the imagination of an adult, such as our Drag Queen Reading. Lilipad seeks to inspire young minds to dream and to imagine a life beyond what they know. With our events we feel that in some way we encourage adults to realize that they shouldn’t stop dreaming, either. That’s the power of the imagination, and it’s something we should all cherish.


Opening a Library in Friedrischshagen