Our new concept: Satellite Libraries

Since 2017, Lilipad has worked to address inequalities and barriers in children's access to books and education. 5 years later, and after tumultuous waves of COVID-19 pandemic, we are still here. We are still committed to sharing the love to read and learn.

We feel that we have reached a point where we are able to spread our impact even further. During these 5 years, we have opened 8 libraries, launched projects with new exciting partners (see our collaboration with Refuge Worldwide), nourished meaningful relationships, and made a positive impact in our communities (see our Annual Report). 

Most importantly, we have developed invaluable expertise in our domain. This year, we decided to make use of this expertise, to further expand our activities and grow our social impact. For this reason, our team launched the concept of Satellite Libraries. 

Lilipad Satellite Libraries 

What is a Satellite Library?

A Lilipad Satellite library is run independently by a partner organisation. Unlike with our pre-existing libraries, Lilipad will not be involved in how the library is run, apart from the initial set-up and guidance. 

How does it work?

First, we carefully select organisations which align with our mission and share the same objectives.Then, we do a needs assessment, and provide them with the supplies and books they need. Lastly, we offer them guidance on how to install and open the library. We provide them with a Satellite Library Starter Pack, with lots of lessons learned or best practices. And that’s it ! Now the library can be set up and will be ready to welcome kids! 

Who is it for?

Satellite libraries serve the same target group as our other core libraries. It caters for children and youth under 18 from underserved communities (children of refugee or migrant backgrounds, children in difficult economic conditions or in isolated rural areas, etc.) 

Why is it important?

This new concept allows Lilipad to support a higher number of institutions - and ultimately children - by providing reading books and creating library spaces that can bring value to the community.

This last year, our team worked hard to create new partnerships and make this expansion of activities possible. This has led to the opening of 2 new satellite libraries in Berlin in the summer. Even more exciting, in the next weeks we will be opening 2 new satellite libraries in a whole new location: Paris !

Here is a sneak peek of our 2 latest satellites libraries in Berlin:

Satellite Library in Köpenick:

This library opened in June 2022 in WGZ Allende-Viertel, Köpenic, Berlin. It is located in a neighborhood community center, which reunites different families from the neighborhoods in a space of encounters and cultural exchange. The languages spoken by the children are Arabic, Farsi, Kurdish, amongst many others. 

Satellite Library in Altglienicke:

This library has opened in July 2022 in AE Schwalbenweg, Altglienicke, Berlin.
It is located in an initial reception center for refugees and asylum seekers. There are approximately 30 to 60 children, most of them speaking Russian. 

If you’re interested in opening a satellite library, reach out to Serafina at projects@lilipadlibrary.org


The Lilipad Back to School Workshop Series


A note from Sara, Lilipad’s Founder